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USDA Loans

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There are many rural areas in Arizona that the USDA Zero Down Loan can help low to moderate income families purchase Arizona real estate with little to no money down.  Jake Taylor Home Loans can guide you through the process of getting qualified and approved for a Zero Down Loan with the USDA Rural Devcelopment Loan Program

A USDA Loan is a mortgage loan that is insured by the US Department of Agriculture and available to qualified individuals who are purchasing or refinancing their home loan in an area that is not considered a major metropolitan area by USDA.

Read below to begin the process of gettign matched with a $0 Down USDA Lender Today, or call 480.999.3339 to begin the loan applicaiton process.  Home ownership is closer than you think!

Who Is the USDA and What Benefits Do They Offer?

As an individual, you can benefit from USDA Rural Development programs that support rural prosperity in Arizona. Not only does teh USDA offer Zero Down Loans for real estate, they invest in modern infrastructure such as high-speed internet and water and waste treatment systems. They also help eligible rural Arizonans buy or rent affordable housing, and partner with communities to build or improve essential facilities such as hospitals, libraries, and schools.

The USDA boosts rural economic development by funding technical assistance for small business owners and entrepreneurs, helping them design robust business plans, find new markets, and promote their goods and services. They also help eligible businesses and manufacturers expand or improve, and support energy programs that finance renewable systems for agriculture and industry.

Many of their employees live and work in the very communities they serve, making the USDA Rural Development mission personal. It’s this commitment to our neighbors that sets them apart.

Frequently Asked Questions - Zero Down USDA Loans

Why Was The Zero Down USDA Loan Created?

The USDA loan program, also known as the USDA Rural Development Guaranteed Housing Loan Program, is a government-backed mortgage program that aims to improve the economy and quality of life in rural areas of the United States by providing low-interest loans and zero percent down payment options to eligible borrowers. This program is intended to make it easier for individuals and families to purchase homes in rural areas where traditional financing options may be limited.


What Are Zero Down  USDA Loan Qualifications?

The USDA loan program has several qualifications that borrowers must meet in order to be eligible for the loan. These include:

The USDA loan program is designed to help individuals and families without "decent, safe and sanitary housing" and those unable to secure a home loan from traditional sources to purchase a home. To be eligible for a USDA loan, borrowers must have an income at or below the low-income limit for the area where they live and the property must be located in a rural area as determined by the USDA.

The program does not require borrowers to have a history of employment, but they must be able to prove a stable income for at least two years through employment, child support, or contract income. 


What Are Zero Down USDA Loan  Credit Score Requirements?

The USDA loan program has specific credit score requirements that borrowers must meet in order to be eligible for the loan. Not all lenders offer USDA loans, so it is important to find a qualified lender that specializes in underwriting USDA home loans. The typical minimum credit score required by the USDA loan program is 640. However, borrowers with a credit score of 660 or higher are more likely to receive lower interest rates and better loan terms. It's important to check with your lender for the exact credit score requirement.


What Are Zero Down USDA Loan Limits?

USDA loan limits are determined by two sets of eligibility requirements: one regarding property eligibility and the other focusing on the applicant's financial and credit eligibility. These requirements help determine a borrower's maximum loan income limit.

A lender will evaluate an applicant's gross income to determine their eligibility. According to USDA guidelines, if a borrower's income exceeds the maximum limit, they can adjust their gross income to help qualify. Your lender will require you to provide at least two years of tax returns to give a clear picture of your income.

The USDA loan limits are generally quite generous, as the goal of the USDA mortgage program is to help low to moderate-income families purchase a home in rural areas. A borrower's loan limit varies depending on their income and the location of the property. To find out your USDA home loan eligibility, it is best to contact a specialized lender that offers USDA financing.

What Is A First-Time Homebuyer Zero Down USDA Loan?

The Zero Down USDA  rural development (RD) loan is a financing option available to first-time homebuyers that allows them to finance 100% of the purchase price without the need for a down payment. This can be particularly appealing to first-time homebuyers. The Zero Down USDA Loan is guaranteed, meaning that if the borrower fails to make mortgage payments, the USDA will reimburse the lender for the loan.

Although there is no down payment requirement, buyers will still need funds for closing costs, inspections, and mortgage insurance. The RD program also has a wide range of acceptable property types, which can be appealing as it can be difficult to find a modern home in a rural area. Additionally, minor repairs can be included with the Zero Down USDA Loan, which can be helpful for buyers who may need to make repairs after moving in.

Another benefit of the Zero Down USDA Loan loan is that borrowers will not be penalized for making an early payoff, unlike other mortgage options. Additionally, there is no limit on the amount of money that can be received as a seller concession or gift, which can be particularly helpful for first-time homebuyers who may have limited assets available. Sellers can also voluntarily pay for the buyer's closing costs.

What Is a Zero Down USDA Loan Map?

To qualify for a Zero Down USDA Loan, the program requires the home to be located in a rural area as determined by the USDA. The Zero Down USDA Loan program has created a website based on Rural Development rural area requirements, where individuals can check for eligible and ineligible areas according to USDA requirements.

The website states that rural areas are classified as:

To view the Zero Down USDA Loan map and check if a specific area is eligible for a Zero Down USDA Loan, you can visit the USDA's website or click here.  You've come to the right place for the Zero Down USDA Loan.

What Is A Zero Down USDA Loan Credit Score Waiver?

A Zero Down USDA Loan credit waiver may be an option for borrowers who have a credit score below 640 and are unable to meet the standard Zero Down USDA Loan underwriting guidelines. This type of loan is typically used by people with limited income who are unable to qualify for traditional financing options.

It's important to choose a lender that is familiar with the USDA manual underwriting process and the documentation required when applying for a Zero Down USDA Loan with a credit waiver. The lender may require the following paperwork to manually underwrite the loan:

A GUS response of Refer or Refer with Caution:

Any loan that needs to be manually downgraded because of:

It's worth noting that the credit waiver option is not guaranteed, the lender will make the decision based on the lender's internal guideline.

It's also worth mentioning that for the credit waiver, it's important for the borrower to have a good debt-to-income ratio, good credit history and a stable income to be considered for a credit waiver.

In order to qualify for a Zero Down USDA Loan, borrowers must provide lenders with a credit history that demonstrates their ability to handle payments. However, even if a borrower has poor credit, they may still be eligible for a USDA loan if they can document their intent to maintain good credit. This requirement can be documented in a USDA credit waiver and must include evidence that the credit was:


Some USDA lenders may be more lenient and take into consideration the borrower's overall intent for good credit, even if their credit report shows otherwise. However, lenders must verify that the borrower did not deliberately neglect their financial obligations. Common reasons for negative credit include disputes over defective goods, medical conditions or illnesses, and employment termination.


What Is A Direct Zero Down USDA Loan?

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is a national nonprofit organization that aims to provide financial assistance for low-income families to purchase homes in rural areas of the United States. It created Section 502, a direct loan program that is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Development Housing and Community Facilities Program (RD).

To be eligible for a USDA direct loan, applicants must have "very low" income, which is defined as below 50 percent of the area's median income (AMI). Families must also be without adequate housing, able to handle mortgage payments, mortgage insurance, and taxes, and unable to obtain credit but have a decent credit history.

The USDA direct loan program has special terms compared to other loan options. Direct loans have a repayment period of up to 33 years, and in some cases, up to 38 years for applicants with incomes below 60 percent of the area median income (AMI). Additionally, the direct loan program does not require borrowers to make a down payment. The borrower's payments will include principal, interest, taxes, and insurance.


The type of housing must also meet the direct loan requirements, such as being of modest size, design, and cost, and having a market value within the Area Loan Limit. Your lender can help identify which homes meet these standards. If the applicant chooses to purchase a newly constructed or existing home, they must comply with the national model building code adopted by the state, the Internal Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and the RD requirements. These standards are in place to ensure that families are purchasing livable and safe homes.

In general, USDA loans are available to anyone who meets the minimum credit guidelines and local area income requirements and is purchasing a home or refinancing their home in an area that is not considered a major metropolitan area by the USDA.

There are some common misconceptions about USDA loans:

  • They are only for farmers - USDA loans are not "just for farmers," millions of people from all walks of life already qualify.
  • FHA or Conventional loans are better - USDA loans often offer better terms than an FHA or conventional loans.
  • They aren't flexible - Actually, USDA Home Loans can be used to buy a new home or refinance to a lower rate.
  • Only certain people can qualify - Anyone who meets the income and credit guidelines can qualify for a USDA Home Loan.
  • They are only for rural areas - Actually, USDA Loans are available in many areas that most people would not consider rural. For example, many small communities just outside of metropolitan areas qualify as rural areas according to the US Department of Agriculture.
  • They are harder to get than FHA or Conventional loans - This is not true. In many cases, USDA loans are actually easier to get because the loans are guaranteed by the government.

The information provided in the previous response is based on publicly available information and general knowledge of USDA loans. The materials provided in the previous response are not from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and were not approved by HUD or any government agency. 

Get Pre-approved for a Zero Down USDA Loan Today!

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